Reset Password for Affiliates(Non-NMSU Users)

Reset Password

Step 1 - Logging In

Affiliates Login
  • Enter your password for the account and click Sign In button.

Enter Password

Step 2 - Change Password

  • Once authenticated, you can change the password in the next screen like below:


Fill the password fields and click the Save button. Once Saved, you can now use the new password to log in to the Open OnDemand portal.

Forgot Password ?(Affiliates only)

  • Follow the below steps if you have forgotten your password and would like to gain access to Discovery again.

Step 1 - Enter Email Address

OnDemand Login
  • Enter your university email address and click the Sign In button.

Step 2 - Select Forgot Password

Forgot Password
  • The email address will be pre-populated and you don’t need to enter it again. Click the Submit button.

Enter Email
  • You will receive a similar email like below point_down from to set the password. Click the Link to Reset Credentials in the email.

Email Confirmation

The reset password link remains active only for 5 minutes.

Step 3 - Set New Password

On clicking the link, you will be directed to the below screen where you can set your password. Also, the password must have atleast 17 characters.

Update Password

Press the Submit button when you have entered the password. If it’s successful, you will see the NMSU HPC account management window where you can add two-factor auth, retrieve user name, so on.

Account management