Citation/Acknowledgement Language
Publications that feature work that relied on NMSU’s HPC or HTC computing resources should cite the following publication.
Strahinja Trecakov and Nicholas Von Wolff. 2021. Doing more with less: Growth, improvements, and management of NMSU’s computing capabilities. In Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC '21), July 18–22, 2021, Boston, MA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA 4 Pages.
Please use the following language to acknowledge Discovery and the New Mexico State University High Performance Computing group in any published or presented work for which results were obtained using Discovery cluster.
This work utilized resources from the New Mexico State University High Performance Computing Group, which is directly supported by the National Science Foundation (OAC-2019000), the Student Technology Advisory Committee, and New Mexico State University and benefits from inclusion in various grants (DoD ARO-W911NF1810454; NSF EPSCoR OIA-1757207; Partnership for the Advancement of Cancer Research, supported in part by NCI grants U54 CA132383 (NMSU)).