Discovery is the New Mexico State University High Performance Computing Cluster. The High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster is free to use for current students, faculty, and staff for both research, and teaching.
Apply for an Account
To get access to Discovery, you are required to complete this process.
This will help you get familiar with NMSU High Performance Computing.
Open OnDemand Portal
Open OnDemand Portal provides a web GUI to interact and run your jobs in the Discovery.
With Open OnDemand, you can easily manage your files and use interactive applications.
Documentation & Tutorial
Computationally-intensive work should be run on compute nodes. For interactive jobs, the easiest ways is through Open OnDemand, but Interactive Shell on Compute Nodes Using Command Line is also an available option.
SLURM Script Generator
An online tool for easy creation of SLURM job script.
Fill in the form with the appropriate information to generate the script.
Contact Us
You can contact NMSU’s High Performance Computing staff by this form.
Our team will reply to you via email as soon as possible.
Ask for Help
You are always welcome to post your questions on the forums.
Also, you can do a quick search in order to find solutions directly in previous similar posts.