External HPC resources

Name Description Best Used For Description


Takes advantage of unused processors on HPC/HTC across the nation




Collection of national supercomputers

Both HPC and HTC applications

Need to apply ACCESS Allocations


5 systems

MPI scripts, physics, astrophysics, nuclear science, Joint Genome Institute’s computing needs

Only for DOE funded or aligned with Office of Science’s mission

NM Research Consortium

PRObE is an NSF funded super computing facility that gives computer science researchers access to large scale computing resources, with a unique large-scale, low-level, and highly instrumentable systems research facility

Research in Operating Systems, Networking, Storage, Resiliency, and other relevant systems research topics

Computer Science only


NMU supercomputer, over 3000 cores, 15 TFlops aggregate compute power, and ~1 PB of RAID5/RAID6 enterprise storage.

Bethe : Xeon Phi/NVIDIA GTX Titan platform for experimental code development in astrophysics and nanoscience.

Poblano : 256 GB, 64-core SMP system, a shared-memory server for memory-intensive bioinformatics, computational biology, and multiphysics applications.

Galles : 200-node, 'green' Hadoop/high-throughput Beowulf cluster for bioinformatics and "big data" applications.

Nano, Gibbs, Pequena, Metropolis, and Ulam : five production parallel machines.

Xena : designed for high-throughput, memory-intensive MATLAB and hybrid parallel applications

Science, engineering, biomedicine, humanities, and the arts, with support for parallel Supercomputing, advanced visualization, research data storage, and analysis, novel architectures

Need to apply


A data storage facility; An interactive, web-based, analytical platform; Cloud infrastructure to use remote servers for computation, analysis, and storage; Web authentication and security services; Support for scaling computational algorithms to run on large, high-speed computers

Serves all life sciences



Supercomputer that’s available to RMACC members (NMSU is)

Serves everyone
