MPI Environment Management Routines
The following is a list of the most common MPI routines including those for initializing, terminating, and managing the MPI environment.
MPI Routine | Syntax | Description |
MPI_Init |
Initializes an MPI execution environment. |
MPI_Comm_size |
MPI_Comm_size(comm,&size) |
Returns the total number of MPI processes in the specified communicator. |
MPI_Comm_rank |
MPI_Comm_rank(comm,&rank) |
Returns the calling process rank (process id) in the specified communicator. |
MPI_Abort |
MPI_Abort(comm,error_code) |
Terminates all MPI processes associated with the specified communicator. |
MPI_Get_processor_name |
MPI_Get_processor_name(&name,&result_length) |
Returns the processor name. |
MPI_Send |
int MPI_Send(*buffer, count,datatype,destination,tag,comm) |
Begins a blocking send. |
MPI_Isend |
int MPI_Isend(*buffer,count,datatype,destination,tag,comm,*request) |
Begins a non-blocking send. |
MPI_Recv |
int MPI_Recv(*buffer,count,datatype,source,tag,comm,*status) |
Begins a blocking receive for a message. |
MPI_Irecv |
int MPI_Irecv(*buffer,count,datatype,source,tag,comm,*request) |
Begins a non-blocking receive for a message. |
MPI_Sendrecv |
int MPI_Sendrecv(*send_buffer,send_count,send_type,destination,end_tag,*receive_buffer,receive_count,receive_type,source,receive_tag,comm,*status) |
Sends and receives a message. |
MPI_Bcast |
int MPI_Bcast(*buffer,count,datatype,root,comm) |
Broadcasts a message to a group of processes. |
MPI_Put |
int MPI_Put(*origin_address,origin_count,origin_datatype,target_rank,target_disp,target_count,target_datatype,win) |
Puts data into a memory window on a remote process. |
MPI_Get |
int MPI_Get(*origin_address,origin_count,origin_datatype,target_rank,target_disp,target_count,target_datatype,win) |
Gets data from a memory window on a remote process. |
MPI_Finalize |
MPI_Finalize() |
Terminates an MPI execution environment. |
For more, see the OpenMPI documentation.