Final Quiz
The below quiz is required only for the users who opted for Self-Paced Onboarding option. Before attempting the final quiz, it’s highly recommended to complete the two practice quizzes (Practice Quiz 1, Practice Quiz 2) and have a complete understanding of the modules, Introduction to Linux and Supercomputing |
Quiz Instructions
The Quiz has 5 sections. In Section 1, you need to enter your personal information like first name, last name, and university email address. Section 2 will have 10 questions(50 points) from the Introduction to Linux module. Section 3 and Section 4 will have 9 questions(45 points) from the Introduction to Supercomputing module. Section 5 will ask to give the acknowledgment and agree to terms&conditions(which carries 5 points as well) to use Discovery.
You need to answer all the questions.
No time limit for the quiz and multiple attempts are allowed.
Only a quiz score of 100% will make you eligible to get account access.
On securing 100% after quiz completion, take a screenshot of your result(with 100% score along with personal information) and save it because you need to upload the screenshot of your final score in the account request form. The below section explains how to take the screenshot of the final quiz results.
Quiz Results Screenshot
After you answer all the questions in the quiz, submit it. Then, you will get the following screen.
Select the View Results button. Go to Step 2.
You will see the following screen with your quiz score and personal information after selecting the View Results button.
Take a screenshot similar to the above image with 100% score along with your Personal Information.
After the quiz is completed with 100% score and screenshot is taken(like described above), go to the following page
Access Discovery for further instructions on how to get account access.