TensorFlow is an open source machine learning platform. It’s owned and maintained by Google and is one of the largest open source machine learning libraries. It gives you the flexibility and control with features like the Keras Functional API and Model Subclassing API for creation of complex topologies. It supports an ecosystem of powerful add-on libraries and models to experiment with, including Ragged Tensors, TensorFlow Probability and Tensor2Tensor and BERT.
TensorFlow Key Functionalities
It provides an accessible and readable syntax which is essential for making the programming resources easier to use.
It provides excellent functionalities and services when compared to other popular deep learning frameworks which are essential for building advanced neural network models.
It is a flexible library. You can define your own functionalities or services for your models. It allows researcher to change the model based on changing user requirements.
It also provides more network control. This allows developers and researchers to understand how operations are implemented across the network.